Agenda item

Budget 2015/16 (A137/PN)


The Chief Financial Officer presented the formal budget approval for 2015/16, stating that the budget was structurally balanced (as shown in Appendix 1 of the report).


He reported that the Defra grant for this transition year was a reduction of 1.74% as had been previously notified to the Authority and informed Members that for the next spending review period, Defra had been designated as a “non-favoured department”. No figures had been confirmed at the time of the meeting. The Chief Executive and Members would seek to protect the national park grant.


Budgets for North Lees Estate, Warslow Estate and the Trails had been restructured following the Integrated Property Board’s adoption of “a new financial model for Authority assets which provides for more integrated budget management within single sites” (Authority meeting 5 December 2014).


Member workshops re the spending review period and “direction of travel” over the next 3 to 4 years were planned for June/ July 2015. Further workshops would take place in the Autumn.


The recommendations were moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.






1.    The Authority approves the base budget for the 2015/16 financial year shown in Appendix 1 and 2 of the report.


2.    The Authority’s financial position in respect of planning for the following years is noted.


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