Agenda item

Peak District National Park Authority Conversion of Historic Buildings Supplementary Planning Document - Consultation Document (SW)


The Policy Planner introduced the report  which was to seek approval to commence an 8 week public consultation on the Historic Buildings Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) document, and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning, to agree any modifications before the document is finalised prior to public consultation.


The Members thanked the Officer for the excellent document then went through the sections of the draft SPD.


A motion to approve the Officer recommendation was put to the vote and carried.





That the Committee:


1.      Approve the Peak District National Park Authority Conversion of Historic Buildings Supplementary Planning Document – Consultation Draft.

2.      Approve an 8 week public consultation on the Peak District National Park Conversion of Historic Buildings Supplementary Planning Document to commence in May 2021.

3.      Grant delegated authority to the Head of Planning Services in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee to agree any further modifications and finalise the document at Appendix 1 prior to public consultation.


Supporting documents: