Agenda item

External Audit 2020/21 Audit Strategy (JW)


The report was introduced by Mark Surridge and Tom Greenshill from Mazars, the Authority’s External Auditors,  and Members were asked to consider the 2020/21 External Audit Strategy Memorandum.


The Chair of the Authority thanked Mark Surridge and Tom Greenshill for the report, and asked whether the CoVID restrictions would cause any issues; Tom Greenshill reported that one problem that had been identified which would limit the audit would be the inability of the auditors to carry out a physical inventory as they would not be present at the  properties to do a stock take.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.





1.    That the 2020/21 External Audit Strategy Memorandum was considered and acknowledged.


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