Agenda item

2020/21 Outturn Report (JW)


The Chief Executive presented the report on behalf of the Head of Finance and Chief Finance Officer, reminding Members that the outturn was the look back at the financial performance of 2020/21 which was also a key part of the year end statement of accounts process.


The Chief Executive reported on an amendment to the table on Page 97 of the report which had a line missing showing the Furlough Income figures, which should read 127,175 and 48 going left to right.


The Chief Executive then went onto highlight some key points from the outturn report.


·         Reflection on an exceptional year due to CoVID

·         Loss of trading, lower than expected

·         National Park Grant (NPG) is at same level 2020/21

·         Still awaiting outcome of the Glover Review


The Chief Executive reminded Members that whilst the Authority was in a good financial position now, there still remained the threat of budget reductions in the future. If the NPG remained at a flat cash level, inflationary impacts on costs and pay increases would have to be absorbed by current budgets. However, Officers are already starting scenario planning into the future, as we did in the last financial year and this will be shared with Members when Officers are in a position to do so.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.    That the outturn be noted, and the slippage requests and specific reserve appropriations shown in Appendix C of the report be approved.


2.    The two new proposed reserves also shown in Appendix C of the report be approved, with delegated authority given to the Chief Executive Officer to bring options back to Authority for the new Resilience Reserve.




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