Agenda item

Internal Audit 2020/21 Annual Report


Ian Morton, Internal Auditor tabled his report.  Members were informed the focus of the audits carried out during the 20/21 period were those most greatly impacted by Covid -19 and concentrated in the main on financial and information system where controls have changed due to homeworking and remote access. The overall opinion of the Head of Internal Audit on the framework and governance, risk managements and control operating in the Authority was that it provides Substantial Assurance and there were no significant control weaknesses which in the opinion of the Head of Internal Audit needed to be considered for inclusion in the Annual Governance Statement. However it was noted that Covid-19 had significantly affected the Authority and is was not possible for the Head of Audit to conclude on the full extent of the impact of the pandemic on the operations of the Authority. Ian Morton thanked Officers for their support over the last year which hadn’t been easy.


The Chair thanked Ian Morton for his report.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.    To note and accept the 2020/21 Annual Report from the Internal Auditors as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.




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