Agenda item

National Park Management Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2020/21 (MM)


The Head of Information and Performance Management introduced the report which was to provide Members with monitoring information for the year end of the third year of the Peak District National Park Management Plan 2018-23, and to seek Members approval to adopt the agreed definition of thriving and sustainable communities.


Members were informed that progress had been made against most of the intentions identified in the NPMP with 31  delivery actions on target, 3 not achieved due to CoVID and 6 rated amber, so there may be a delay in their delivery.


The Head of Information and Performance Management informed Members that since the report was written, last minute feedback had been received from Oldham Council on the definition of Thriving and Sustainable Communities, but because of the lateness, Officers hadn’t had time to look at them in detail.   As officers were minded to take the feedback into account, a fourth recommendation was proposed,  to change the word from “Churches” to “Places of Worship” and to consider strengthening the wording on biodiversity net gain.


The CEO informed Members that a high level public consultation had gone out to the public yesterday to seek views on priorities.


Members thanks Officers for their report.


A motion to support the recommendation was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    That approve the National Park Management Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2020/21.


2.    That any necessary changes to the proposed wording of the Annual Monitoring Report and the Peak District National Park Management Plan 2018-23 delivery plan be delegated to the Chief Executive.


3.    To  approve and adopt the definition of the thriving and sustainable communities.


4.    To delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the Authority minor revisions to the definition of thriving and sustainable communities to replace churches with places of worship and strengthen references to biodiversity net gain.


Supporting documents: