Agenda item

Membership of the Appointment Process Panel (RC)


The Head of Law introduced the report which was to confirm the membership of the Member Appointment Process Panel.  The Panel makes a significant contribution to the smooth running of the Annual Meeting by attempting to resolve any potential issues beforehand so the Authority would like that to continue.


The current 3 Members of the Panel had indicated that they wished to continue their appointments, however the Panel was currently carrying a vacancy for a Local Authority Member..  Nominations for a further Local Authority Member were requested but none were made.


The Panel is currently carrying a vacancy for a Local Authority Member so expressions of interest was needed.


A motion to support the recommendations was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    To appoint the following Members to the Member Appointment Process Panel – Cllr P Tapping, Ms Y Witter and Cllr B Woods.


2.    To confirm that the Panel will look at expressions of interest in the context of the appointment principles set out in paragraph 6 of the report.





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