Agenda item

Full Application - Removal of existing 24M airwave tower and replacement with a 35M tower with attached antennae and dishes for airwave, the ESN (EAS) and SRN networks . At ground level, additional cabins/cabinets will be positioned on the old and new tower bases, along with a standby generator. A separate VSAT dish enclosure will be established 100M to the south west of the main compound at Airwave Telecommunications Tower at Snake Pass Clearing, Snake Road, Bamford (NP/HPK/1020/0947, JK)



The Planning Officer introduced the item which had previously been to Planning Committee in December 2020 when Members resolved to grant permission subject to the prior receipt of a Planning Obligation to secure long term control of the surrounding trees. No agreement had been returned to the Authority.  It was confirmed that adding a condition to control the trees would not be applicable as they were not in the control of the applicant.  Due to detected Larch disease the felling of the majority of the trees could be carried out and therefore the recommendation was to refuse the application on landscape grounds despite the benefit the mast would provide to emergency services.


The following made representations to the committee under the Public Participation at Meetings scheme:


·         Mr Peter Hickson, Director of Airwave Solutions, Applicant – statement read out by Democratic & Legal Support Team Officer.


Members expressed concerns regarding refusing the item because of the need to upgrade the communications system for emergency services in the area and asked if there was information available on the percentage of Larch Trees in the surrounding woodland to help understand the impact felling Larch would have on the landscape.


The Planning Office confirmed that this information was not available and would require another report from the Forestry Commission as owners of the woodland.


Members requested clarification of the single line of trees the applicant had agreed to plant around the perimeter fence of the site and the blue line indicated on the site plan.  The Planning Officer confirmed that Forestry England did not think that the single line of planting would have much chance of surviving due to the overhead dense canopy restricting the growth of the trees.  The blue line indicated the five metre radius of the fence line where planting could immediately be undertaken by the applicants in the event of a clear felling exercise, they would then take approximately 35 years to grow to a height that would adequately screen the site.


A proposal  to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation was moved.


Members asked if it would be appropriate to defer the item for further reports on the possibility of using another location, the likelihood of the trees being felled and if the mast could be lowered if trees were removed.


The proposal to approve the application contrary to the Officer recommendation was seconded.


The following conditions were proposed:


  • Mast and all ground level equipment cabins and fencing to be painted in matt dark green
  • Mast and equipment to be removed when no longer needed.


The motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendations and with the conditions stated above was voted on and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


  1. Mast and all ground level equipment cabins and fence to be painted in matt dark green


2.    Mast and equipment to be removed when no longer needed.


Supporting documents: