Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of replacement mixed use outbuilding at Lane House Farm, Wetton Road, Butterton (NP/SM/1120/1072, P1384/SC)



The Planning Officer introduced the report outlining the reasons for refusal.


The following made representations to the Committee under the Public Participation at meetings scheme:


·         Cllr Gill Heath, Supporter, present

·         Liz Verwey, Applicant - statement read out by an Officer in the Democratic and Legal Support Team


The Planning Officer confirmed that discussions had taken place with the applicant regarding a smaller building which would be more acceptable. 


Members were minded to approve the application due to the improvement to the site by replacing the current buildings. 


A proposal to approve the application contrary to the Officer recommendation was moved and seconded.


Officers confirmed that the following conditions would be required for approval of the plans:


·         Landscape plan

·         Confirmation of ground levels

·         Plan for outside lighting


The motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation was voted on and carried.




To APPROVE  the application with the following conditions:


  1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun within 3 years from the date of this permission.


  1.  The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted plans, drawing numbers 3 (Proposed Block Plan), 5 (Proposed Plans & Section), 5 (Proposed Elevations) subject to the following conditions or modifications:


  1.  Prior to the construction of the floor and walling of the new building, full details showing the finished floor levels of the building in relation to the adjacent ground levels shall be submitted to and writing by the National Park Authority. Once approved the scheme shall be carried out to the approved specification.


  1.  No external lighting shall be installed on the building hereby approved unless it has first been approved in writing by the National Park Authority.


Supporting documents: