Agenda item
Roll Call of Members Present, Apologies for Absence and Members Declarations of Interest
Mrs Waller and Cllr Saeed attended to observe the meeting and did not take part in any discussion or vote on any item. Mrs Waller advised that she would have to leave the meeting at lunch time.
Item 7
Members had received an email regarding this item on the 30th July 2021.
Cllr Brady declared that he had received, and responded to an email from the applicant following his previous application.
Item 8
Mr Helliwell declared that he was a member of Hope Show, but had not been involved in the management of the show ground, and approached the matter with an open mind.
It was noted that all Members knew the Applicant, Ms Virginia Priestley, who is a Member of the Authority
Cllr Chapman declared a prejudicial interest as a past president of Hope Show and confirmed that he would leave the meeting for the duration of this item.
Item 10
It was noted that the Authority was the owner of the application site, Brunts Barn.
Mr Helliwell declared that he was a resident of the parish 25 years ago and that some of the residents that have made representations on this application are known to him but confirmed he came to this meeting with an open mind.
Item 12
It was noted that the Authority was the owner of the site at Brosterfield.
Cllr Mrs Potter declared that she had previously been involved in Member decisions on the acquisition and development of the site but came to this meeting with an open mind.