Agenda item

Outturn 2021/22 and Slippage Request (JW)


The report, which informed Members of the outturn for 2021/22 and sought approval of the requested appropriations to and from reserves, was introduced by the Head of Finance.


Officers also confirmed following Member questions around the reserves that:


·         The reserve for post Covid working arrangements would be targeted at Heatlh and Wellbeing and any costs arising from the blended working pilot.

·         Income had risen across all car parks and a strategy for enforcing charges was in place.

·         The Minerals & Legal reserve enables the Authority to make decisions as a Minerals Planning Authority and to follow up those decisions as necessary.

·         A set of principles would be created for the drawing down of monies from the newly created Authority Delivery Plan Support reserve by the Head of Finance..

·         The Covid reserve was set up to cover times of uncertainty and has not been called on and £356K is proposed to be apportioned to 3 separate corporate priority reserves, the Restructuring reserve, the Authority Delivery Plan Support reserve and the ICT reserve.

·         The “restricted reserve” related to two bequests

·         That having specified rather than a general reserves provided clarity to DEFRA.


A motion to approved the recommendations was moved and seconded and a vote was taken and carried.




1.    To note the outturn, and to approve the slippage requests and the specific reserve appropriations shown in Appendix C attached to the report.


2.    To approve the new proposed reserves shown in Appendix C, attached to the report with delegated Authority given to the Chief Executive Officer to agree the principles for expenditure from the new Authority Delivery Plan Reserve


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