Agenda item
Outline Application - Proposed erection of two local needs self build affordable homes at driveway between Greystones & Jesmond, Tideswell (NP/DDD/0421/0433, AM)
The Planning Officer introduced the report outlining the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The following addressed the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Helen Isaac, Supporter - via video presentation
· James Isaac, Applicant.
The Planning Officer confirmed that although the application had been submitted as an outline application all of the necessary details had been provided, so if the application was approved, no further details would be needed other than those required by condition.
Members discussed the tension between providing local affordable housing and enabling applicants to have homes large enough for their future needs, and the Authority’s current policy in this respect, which would be reviewed as part of the ongoing routine review of the Authority’s Local Plan.
A suggestion was made to set up a working group to allow this policy to be looked at in detail, in accordance with standing orders. It was considered that this could work alongside the Local Plan Review Steering Group to review the policy in addition to deciding future policy.
Discussion also took place regarding improvements to the design and climate change measures, compared to the previous scheme, and regarding the proposed site location which was on high land, encroaching into fields, and on the edge of the settlement.
A motion to approve the application contrary to officer recommendation was proposed and seconded because siting and design issues had now been reassessed by Members and considered acceptable and because of the need to house and encourage local young people to remain in the National Park.
The Planning Officer confirmed that if Members were minded to approve the application subject to a S106 agreement to secure local occupancy, conditions would be required as follows:
· 2 year limit for implementation
· Highways comments regarding access and visibility to be addressed
· Agreement of the definition of “approved plans”
· Regulation of materials to be used.
· A scheme of archaeological investigation
· A scheme of landscaping
· Garage to be retained for stated purpose
· Permitted development rights to be removed
· Proposed climate change mitigation measures to be implemented prior to occupation
· Details of solar panels
· Rainwater goods and other minor design details
· Final details of conditions to be delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee.
In accordance with Standing Orders, the Committee voted to continue its business over 3 hours.
The motion to approve the application subject to a S106 legal agreement and the conditions as stated by the Planning Officer was voted on and carried.
To APPROVE the application contrary to Officer recommendation subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 legal agreement to secure local occupancy and subject to the following conditions:
· 2 year limit for implementation
· Highways comments regarding access and visibility to be addressed
· Agreement of the definition of “approved plans”
· Regulation of materials to be used.
· A scheme of archaeological investigation
· A scheme of landscaping
· Garage to be retained for stated purpose
· Permitted development rights to be removed
· Proposed climate change mitigation measures to be implemented prior to occupation
· Details of solar panels
· Rainwater goods and other minor design details
· Final details of conditions to be delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee.
Supporting documents:
3. 0421-0433_ Greystones and Jesmond, Tideswell, item 77/21
PDF 398 KB
Item 7 - Greystones and Jesmond, Tideswell, item 77/21
PDF 465 KB