Agenda item
Update on reviewing the National Park Management Plan and Corporate Strategy (EF)
The report was presented by the Head of Information and Performance Management, who updated the Authority on the review of the National Park Management Plan and Corporate Strategy and sought approval for the key milestones for the review, and the Member Task and Finish Group’s amended terms of reference which were tabled.
The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
- To note the update on the review of the National Park Management Plan and Corporate Strategy since the May 2021 Authority meeting.
- To approve the final Terms of Reference for the Member Task and Finish Group at Appendix 1, attached to the report.
- To approve the key milestones for the review of the National Park Management Plan and Corporate Strategy.
Supporting documents:
- Authority report - NPMP and CS review update, item 67/21 PDF 220 KB
- Terms of Referecen Appendix 1, item 67/21 PDF 110 KB
- Appendix 1 NPMP and CS Member Task and Finish Group TOR final, item 67/21 PDF 112 KB