Agenda item

Application to Remove/Vary Conditions on Application NP/DDD/0212/0153 (Conversion of Church to Two Dwellings with Access and Parking) - Variation of Approved Rooflight Sizes and Positions, and Addition of Rooflight to Facilitate Addition of 4th Bedroom - Former URC Church, Parke Road, Tideswell.


In introducing the report it was noted that condition 1 in the officer recommendation had been amended to “Statutory 3 year time limit for implementation.” The Officer also stated that the conditions would clarify that the louvred opening in the north gable would only be blocked internally.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr Neal Richmond, Objector

·         Mr Robin Brown, Applicant


The amended officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1          Statutory 3 year time limit for implementation.


2          The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with submitted plans


3          Maintenance of storage of plant area throughout works.


4          Maintain access visibility and sightlines.


5          Agree details of lowered section of walling to the north of the access track.


6          Nest boxes to be installed as previously approved.


7          The ridge tile access points for bats and their positioning to be installed as previously approved.


8          Two bat boxes shall be mounted internally within the roof void of the southern half of the building.


9          Vehicular access, access road and car parking/manoeuvring facilities to be completed.


10        Two car parking spaces to be permanently maintained for each dwelling and car parking spaces and associated manoeuvring areas shall remain unobstructed for use at all times.


11        Drainage and surfacing materials for the access road and car parking/manoeuvring areas to be installed as previously approved.


12        Environmental Management measures shall be undertaken as previously approved.


13        Ground levels of the access road and car parking/manoeuvring areas to be established and permanently maintained as previously approved.


14        External lighting shall be installed as previously approved.


15        Matching materials new for timber and stonework.


16        New door frame to be recessed from the external face of the wall the same depth as the adjacent window frames.


17        Doors shall be vertically boarded timber with no external framing or glazing.


18        Rooflights to the west facing roof slope to be fitted flush with the roof slope.


19        All pipework to be completely internal within the building.


20        No additional or replacement guttering or downpipes to be installed without the prior approval of the Authority.


21        The design and positioning of external meter boxes shall be as previously approved.


22        Remove permitted development rights.


23        The northern boundary wall to be maintained at its present height, subject to the reduction in height required by Condition 5.


24        The external appearance of the louvred openings in both gable ends of the church to be retained with only the north opening being blocked internally.


25        Access for birds and bats to the roof void in the southern half of the building via the existing louvered opening in the southern gable end to be retained.


26        Maintain internal layout as approved.


Cllr P Brady did not participate in the discussion and voting on this application.

Supporting documents: