Agenda item

Planning Application to Increase the Number of Powders Tankers Delivering Overnight and the Cessation of Night Time Deliveries of Coated Macadams. Variation of Condition 10 (iii) of Planning Consent NP/DDD/0803/419, Ballidon Quarry


As the Committee was slightly ahead of schedule the Chair agreed to bring forward item 10 to allow time for registered public speakers to attend.


In introducing the report it was noted that page 3 had been amended to remove duplicate paragraphs in the officer recommendation. Following Member suggestions that the Committee would benefit from a visit to this site, it was confirmed that officers were expecting the applicants to submit an application for a land exchange in the near future and a Committee site visit would be arranged before determining the application.


The Committee noted the Parish Council comments relating to the speed of vehicles travelling to and from the site and asked officers to contact the operator to highlight these concerns.


The officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE the application, reference NP/DDD/0214/0210, to vary condition 10(a)(iii), subject to:


1.         Condition 10 being revised to read:


The total number of dry aggregate, industrial and coated roadstone lorry movements per day shall not exceed a maximum of 800 (i.e. 400 in and 400 out).  Within the total number of vehicle movements the following restrictions shall apply:


(i)         No more than 240 (120 in, 120 out) dry aggregate vehicle movements shall take place per day subject to the restrictions specified in condition 17 of this permission;


(ii)        Out of the 240 movements, no more than 40 movements (20 in, 20 out) of dry aggregate lorries shall take place between 0500 hours and 0600 hours Monday to Saturday;


(iii)       No more than 24 movements (12 in, 12 out) of industrial powders shall take place between 1900 hours and 0600 hours Monday to Saturday.


From the date of this permission the operators shall maintain records of their lorry movements, specifying types of vehicles, products carried, and time in and out of the site, and shall make them available to the MPA at any time upon request.  All records shall be kept for at least 36 months.


2.         The remaining conditions on permission NP/DDD/0803/419 being re-imposed on the grant of a new permission, subject to any necessary minor updates, to be agreed with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee and the Director of Planning; and


3.         The signing of a deed of variation to the existing section 106 to reflect the new planning permission. 


Supporting documents: