Agenda item

Full Application - Retain the 20 foot shipping container which has had temporary planning permission since 2018. This container will continue to be used for secure storage, United Utilities Bottoms Yard, Woodhead Road, Tintwistle (NP/HPK/0221/0156 SPW)


The Planning Officer introduced the item. 


The container had originally been given temporary planning permission in February 2018 to provide storage for a project for a period of three years. The application was for an extension until February 2024 to cover time lost due to the COVID pandemic.


A motion to approve the application in line with the Officer recommendation was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVED the application subject to the following conditions or modifications:



This permission shall be for a limited period expiring on 1 February 2024. On or before that date the building shall be permanently removed from the land and the site shall be reinstated to its former condition.



The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the original submitted plans ‘greenclimber2’ and specifications.



The dimensions of the container hereby approved shall be limited to 6m x 2.4m x 2.6m.



The container shall be maintained dark green.



Supporting documents: