Agenda item

Full Application - New affordable dwelling - land off Tagg Lane, Monyash (NP/DDD/0121/0073, TS)


A revised copy of the report which contained as an Appendix the original report considered by Members at a previous Planning Committee was introduced by the Head of Planning. The application had been discussed at the meeting on 25 June 2021 where Members were minded to approve the application in a departure from policies and as such, under standing orders it was necessary to return to Planning Committee to explore the issues and the harm the development would cause to a heritage asset.


The Head of Planning explained that it had been the process for reports of this nature in the past to be presented to a full Authority Meeting but changes had been approved by Members to Standing Orders and it was now the responsibility of the Planning Committee to explore the impact of the decision to approve the application on the Authority’s Policy.


The Head of Planning outlined the main issues with the application including landscape, heritage asset, size of the proposed building and that the Applicant had refused to update their housing needs assessment to reflect changes to their personal circumstances since the previously submitted assessment was carried out. Planning Officers had offered to work with the Applicant to identify an alternative location but the Applicant had declined to do so.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr Wooley,  Applicant


A motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation and policy on the grounds that’s


a)     The benefits of providing this particular local needs housing, outweighed any harm to the Monyash Conservation Area.

b)    The housing need was sufficiently demonstrated so that the size of the house was appropriate notwithstanding policy DMH1

c)    The Applicant has demonstrated that they are in proven housing need for a dwelling as their existing accommodation was unsuitable.


Officers expressed their disappointment that Members were not minded to discuss the policy issues raised by the application.  Conditions would need to be applied along with a S106 agreement relating to local occupancy and affordability.


Proposed conditions:


1.    2 year time limit

2.    In accordance with agreed plans

3.    Agreement to be reached on materials used

4.    Services to run underground over the applicants land

5.    In accordance with Highways recommendations

6.    Consideration of sewerage treatment

7.    A written scheme of archaeological investigation to be carried out

8.    Detailed landscape scheme



The motion  to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation and policy, subject to a Section 106 agreement and conditions was voted on and carried.




To APPROVE the application contrary to Officer recommendation and policy subject to a Section 106 agreement relating to local occupancy and affordability and the following conditions:


1.    2 year time limit

2.    In accordance with agreed plans

3.    Agreement to be reached on materials used

4.    Services to run underground over the applicants land

5.    In accordance with Highways recommendations

6.    Consideration of sewerage treatment

7.    A written scheme of archaeological investigation to be carried out

8.    Detailed landscape scheme


Supporting documents: