Agenda item

Brosterfield - Report on the Gateway Review undertaken on 1st November 2021 (CBM)


The report was introduced by the Head of Asset Management.  A brief summary of the Authority’s previous decisions in relation to the site was given including the decision on 21 February 2021 to sell the land to the community provided they passed two gateways before 1 November 2021, these gateways were:


1.    A robust business plan showing how the community would raise the agreed purchase price

2.    Evidence that funding was in place to purchase the site by 1 November 2021


Full details of these gateways were set out in the report.


Although Gateway 1 had been met in May 2021 unfortunately Gateway 2 had not been met by the November deadline and therefore the report updated Members on the current position. Only 23% of the agreed purchase price had been pledged.  As the second gateway set out in resolution 7/21 has therefore not been passed the report recommended the disposal of the undeveloped site on the open market with the benefit of planning permission for a touring caravan and camping site.


The following spoke under the Authority’s Public Participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mrs Katie Edwards on behalf of Foolow Wildwood Project Team

·         Mr Geoff Nancolas, speaking as an individual

·         Ms Lindsay Price, speaking as a resident

·         Mr John Youatt, speaking as an individual

·         Mr Simon Wills, Chair of Foolow Parish Meeting


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved and seconded.


A proposal to give the community an additional 12 months was put forward and included that a ‘spade be put in the ground’ to extend the planning permission.  It was noted that minor works on the site were being planned as part of the recommendation.


Clarification was sought if the proposal for an extension of time was an amendment to the current motion however as its effect was to negate the motion as moved and seconded would be required to be voted on.Consideration of the recommendation of the report would take place before considering if this was an amendment.


Members congratulated the Foolow Community on what they had achieved and noted that they would be able to bid for the site on the open market. 


Members congratulated Officers on the report and asked how quickly the site is likely to be put on the open market, it was highlighted that the disposal toolkit previously approved by the Authority (and attached as an appendix to the report) needed to be followed.


The Chief Executive reminded Members of the two purposes of the National Park Authority and to take these into consideration when making a decision regarding the recommendation. 




The motion, which had been moved and seconded, was voted on and carried.




1.    That there is not sufficient evidence that funding is in place for the

 Foolow Community to purchase the Authority’s site at Brosterfield. The second gateway set out in resolution 7/21 has therefore not been passed and the Authority shall proceed to dispose the undeveloped site on the open market with the benefit of planning permission for a touring caravan and camping site. 


2.    To discharge the planning pre-conditions, carry out a material operation

and proceed with the ‘discontinuance order’ in the context of the disposal.







Supporting documents: