Agenda item
External Audit 2020/21 Annual Report
The report was introduced by Tom Greensill of Mazars, the Authority’s External Auditors, who thanked the Head of Finance and her team for the work and assistance during the Audit process. James Sutton of Mazars was also present.
It was explained that there was a delay in the final opinion due to extra work around Value for Money (VFM) and fixed assets, the pandemic and general delays to the audit, the level of scrutiny required and resources. However the External Auditor expects to give an unqualified audit opinion on the Authority’s 2020/21 financial statements and will also report that the Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 complies with guidance and anticipates issuing an unqualified VFM conclusion.
It was noted that the increase in fees was due to the increased work required for VFM, as standards have changed, and there was also an increased level of scrutiny required by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC).
1. To note the External Auditor’s report as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.
2. To note the letter of management representation at Appendix A within Appendix 1 of the report which needed to be signed by the Chief Finance Officer.
Supporting documents:
- External Audit Annual Report 2020-21, item 79/21 PDF 289 KB
- External Audit Report Appendix 1 20-21 ACR - PDNPA Draft - 031121 (FINAL), item 79/21 PDF 429 KB