Agenda item

2020/21 Annual Governance Statement (AMC)


The report was introduced by the Head of Law who confirmed that no issues had been highlighted by the External Auditors in relation to their assessment of the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) which involved a review of the effectiveness of the Authority’s governance arrangements including the systems of internal control. As part of the Authority’s continuous improvement approach to governance arrangements issues were identified in the attached action plan which were to be addressed over the coming 12 months.  


An amendment was made to recommendation 1 by adding the words “following receipt of the External Auditors Management Representation letter” at the end of the recommendation.


During a routine review of Standing Orders it had been identified that a deputy is required as a matter of good practice for Cllr Huddlestone who represents the Authority on the Peak District Local Access Forum (PDLAF).  It was agreed to appoint a deputy Member.


It was also noted that the Authority had an Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee but no Members had been appointed to the Committee at the Annual General Meeting.  So it was proposed to appoint the six Members required, three Secretary of State and three Local Authority Members, to the Committee. Members of the Committee needed to be different Members than those already appointed to the Appeals Panel.


Cllr C Furness had expressed an interest in the PDLAF Deputy role, no further expressions of interest were made so Cllr Furness was agreed as the deputy Member.


Cllr Murphy, Cllr Gregory, Miss Slack, Ms Witter, Cllr Tapping and Cllr Mrs Heath all expressed interest in being Members of the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee.  It was agreed to appoint these Members to the Committee.


The recommendation set out in the report with the agreed amendment and the two extra recommendations, to appoint a deputy to the PDLAF and to appoint 6 Members to the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee, were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    To approve the audited Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 for sign off by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chair of the Authority following receipt of the External Auditor’s Management Representation letter.


2.    To appoint Cllr C Furness as Deputy Member representing the Authority at the Peak District Local Access Forum until the annual Authority meeting in July 2022.


3.      To appoint the following Members to the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee: Cllr A Gregory, Cllr Mrs G Heath, Cllr D Murphy, Miss L Slack, Cllr P Tapping and Ms Y Witter until the annual Authority meeting in July 2022.


Supporting documents: