Agenda item
2021/22 Quarter 2 Corporate Performance Report (A91941/HW)
As the Head of Information and Performance Management was unable to attend the meeting the Chief Executive introduced the report. The report provided Members with monitoring information for the end of Quarter 2 2021/22 (July to September 2020) to review performance against the third year of the Authority’s 2019-24 Corporate Strategy. The next report would be made at the end of Quarter 4.
Members’ comments and concerns regarding KPI 2b were noted and it was also noted that National Park Management Plan & Corporate Strategy Working Group were looking at simplifying commentary in the next Corporate Strategy.
The Chair thanked Miss Slack and Ms Witter for their input into the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, it was much appreciated.
It was noted that the Asset Management Plan was to be aligned with the timescale for the Medium Term Financial Plan so further action would be in the next financial year – 2022/23.
The recommendations as set out in the report were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
Cllr Hart and Professor Haddock-Fraser left the meeting during consideration of this matter and on their return did not take part in the discussion or voting.
1. To review the Quarter 2 performance report, given in Appendix 1 of the report, and any actions to address issues agreed.
2. To review the Quarter 2 corporate risk register given in Appendix 2 of the report and the status of risks accepted.
3. To note the status of complaints, Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations requests, given in Appendix 3 of the report.
Supporting documents:
- HW 202122 Q2 Corporate Performance Report, item 86/21 PDF 322 KB
- HW 202122 Q2 Appendix 1, item 86/21 PDF 555 KB
- HW 202122 Q2 Appendix 2 (size A3), item 86/21 PDF 653 KB
- HW 202122 Q2 Appendix 3, item 86/21 PDF 179 KB