Agenda item

Annual Report on Member Learning and Development (JC/RC)


The Democratic Services Manager introduced the report which set out the Member Learning and Development Framework and the proposals for the next annual programme of Member learning and development events for January to December 2022.


In response to Members’ queries Officers responded as follows:


·         There would be more engagement of Members in the development of the Local Plan and there would be a discussion on the Local Plan at the Members’ Forum on 26 November 2021.  It was also being considered how best to share the minutes of the Local Plan Steering Group with all Members.


·         The ELMS learning system had been launched with Members and all Members were encouraged to complete the Equality and Diversity training module as this would also help ensure the system worked for them.


·         Members were encouraged to have a personal development plan and as they are individual and personal they will highlight different issues and learning opportunities for different Members.  .  It was agreed that the Chair would look at the current personal development plan process with the Member Champion for Learning and Development.


The recommendations, as set out in the report, were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    To agree the Member Learning and Development Framework (Appendix 1 of the report) and the events programme for January to December 2022 as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.

2.    To continue to record Member learning and development activities in terms of hours and include personal learning and development by Members outside of events organised by the Authority, with the target of 20 hours per Member in every 12 months.


Supporting documents: