Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of field barn to dwelling at Twin Dales Barn, field to west of Over Haddon, (NP/DDD/0821/0866), ALN
Members had visited site the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report, setting out the reasons for refusal as outlined in the report.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at meetings scheme:
· Mr Neil Mycock, Applicant
Members requested clarification of the significance of the barn, in order to balance the importance of preserving the building, with the impact of its conversion and domestication on the landscape, and were advised by the Head of Planning that the barn was not a listed building but was considered to be a heritage asset, and was important in its setting in the open countryside. It made a contribution to the historic landscape and therefore to the special qualities of the National Park.
Members discussed whether the alternative, lower impact use, suggested by Officers of a camping barn, was likely to be a viable option for the applicant and whether it would have a similar impact on the landscape to a residential development.
Confirmation was requested as to whether an ecological survey had been conducted. Officers confirmed that because the reasons for refusal were felt to be fundamental, this had not been requested from the applicant.
A motion to refuse the application in accordance with Officer recommendation was moved and seconded. A vote was taken and lost.
Members discussed the location of the domestic elements of the proposed scheme and their visibility from the surrounding area, in particularly the Over Haddon / Monyash Road.
A motion to approve the application, contrary to Officer recommendation, due to the long term preservation of the barn in its setting being to the benefit of the landscape and the heritage asset, was moved and seconded, and a vote was taken and carried.
That Members are minded to approve the application. However,, in accordance with Standing Order 1.48, final determination of the application is DEFERRED pending a further report being prepared by Officers.
Supporting documents:
- 0821-0866_Twin Dales Barn Over Haddon3, item 117/21 PDF 594 KB
- Item 6- Field Barn Swelling at Twin Dales Barn, Field to west of over Haddon, item 117/21 PDF 360 KB