Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of local needs dwelling on land near Slade Cottage, Monyash Road, Over Haddon - NP/DDD/0321/0257,MN)


Members had visited site the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report, setting out the reasons for refusal as outlined in the report.


The Planning Officer confirmed that in terms of the Authority’s policy, there was no defined boundary to the village of Over Haddon, so a case by case judgement had to be made.


A motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation was moved and seconded.


Members requested an amendment to the motion in order to clarify to the applicant that given he had reduced the size of the proposed development from the original application, it should be made clear what the limitations on extension of the development would be, and this was agreed to be added as a footnote.


The Planning Officer confirmed that if the application was approved the following conditions would be necessary:


1.    Section 106 Agreement regulating occupancy to the applicant in the first instance and then as local needs thereafter.

2.    Standard 2 year limit on commencement of works

3.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the amended plans.

4.    Regulation of external materials, to include walling, roof, windows, doors, rainwater goods.

5.    Limitation of curtilage to area marked in red on the approved plan.

6.    Implementation of Highways recommendations regarding parking and access.

7.    Scheme of landscaping

8.    Regulation of external lighting

9.    Ground and floor levels to be regulated in accordance with the approved plans.

10.  Implementation of the submitted Climate Change Mitigation Scheme


The motion to approve the application as amended and subject to the entering into of a Section 106 and conditions was put to the vote and carried.




To APPROVE  the application subject to prior entry into a Section 106 Agreement regulating occupancy to the applicant in the first instance and then as local needs thereafter and further subject to the following conditions:


1.    Section 106 Agreement regulating occupancy to the applicant in the first instance and then as local needs thereafter.

2.    Standard 2 year limit on commencement of works

3.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the amended plans.

4.    Regulation of external materials, to include walling, roof, windows, doors, rainwater goods.

5.    Limitation of curtilage to area marked in red on the approved plan.

6.    Implementation of Highways recommendations regarding parking and access.

7.    Scheme of landscaping

8.    Regulation of external lighting

9.    Ground and floor levels to be regulated in accordance with the approved plans.

10.  Implementation of the submitted Climate Change Mitigation Scheme

11.  A footnote to be added to the decision notice to clarify the limitations on future extensions.

Supporting documents: