Agenda item

Full Application - Conversion of 3 Agricultural Buildings to 2 Houses and Garages/Games Room Ancillary to Dwelling, Ivy House Farm, Uppertown, Birchover


Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item, Cllr A McCloy left the room and took no part in the debate or voting.


This application proposed a change of use for two detached single-storey agricultural buildings in the courtyard to become open market dwellings. Consent was also sought for the change of use of the two-storey agricultural building in the courtyard to ancillary garaging for the farmhouse, with a games room on the first floor.


Members had visited the site in 2014 at the time of the previous, withdrawn application.


The following spoke under the Authority’s Public Participation Scheme:


·         Mr J Oldfield, Agent


The recommendation of refusal was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


The proposal fails to meet the requirements of Core StrategyPolicy HC1 because it proposes the conversion of a relatively modern range of buildings in a relatively isolated location in the open countryside.  It has not been demonstrated that the impetus of the open market value ofnew houses is required to secure any conservation or enhancement to the site and its setting.  The proposal would also be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework which promotes sustainable development in rural areas, notably paragraph 55 of the Framework which seeks to avoid isolated new homes in the countryside unless there are special circumstances.

Supporting documents: