Agenda item

Full Application - Conversion of the building to create new residential dwelling, external alterations, works of hard and soft landscaping and other works incidental to the application at Former New Foundland Nursery, Sir William Hill Road, Grindleford (NP/DDD/0121/0025, SPW)


Members had visited the site on the previous day.

The Head of Planning introduced the report, setting out the reasons for refusal as outlined in the report.

The following spoke under the Public Participation at meetings scheme:

  • Cllr Peter O’Brien, Derbyshire Dales District Council Ward Member, Supporter
  • Mr Andy Short, on behalf of the Applicant


The Head of Planning confirmed that an approval of the application would resolve the issue of the unauthorised track and that the outstanding enforcement matters did not provide an obstacle to approval of the scheme.

Members discussed the extent to which it was likely that further demolition and rebuilding would be required than originally planned and the extent to which this may harm the heritage significance of the building.  Members considered whether enough of the original building would remain to consider the project a restoration or if it would in fact be a new build.  It was likely that a new build would be refused in this remote location, adjacent to the Natural Zone.  It was felt that more information was needed as the Heritage Statement and Structural Engineer’s report were not sufficiently clear in this respect to enable the application to be approved.

Members noted the positive engagement between the Applicant and the Authority, and would welcome the enforcement issues resolved.  A motion to defer the application in order to obtain further information from the Applicant regarding the condition and construction was moved and seconded.  A vote was taken and carried.

Cllr Ms S Saeed left the meeting at 11.40am and returned during the item but did not take part in the discussion nor the vote.


To DEFER the application pending further discussions with the Applicant regarding the condition and construction of the existing building.



Supporting documents: