Agenda item

Full Application - Removal of the existing 15M Airwave Tower and replacement with a 23.5M Tower upon which will be attached antennae and dishes for Airwave, the ESN (EAS) and SRN Networks. At ground level, additional cabins/cabinets will be positioned within a new compound on utilIizing both the towerbase and a new base for the ESN (EAS) foul weather enclosure cabin, along with a standby generator. A separate VSAT dish enclosure will be established 80M to the north east of the main compound at Blaze Farm, Wildboarclough (NP//CEC/1020/0953), ALN


Members had visited site the previous day.

The report was presented by the Planning Officer who set out the reasons for approval as outlined in the report. 

He also added that following the site visit, information had been received that the noise levels from the generator would be 90 decibels. 

Additionally the Applicants had informed the Authority that there was insufficient information regarding access for maintenance and installation for the satellite dish  to secure the ongoing restoration and management of Heild Wood, which was a condition of the recommendation of approval.  Members discussed whether the Authority could make a Tree Preservation Order, but Officers felt that this would not necessarily produce the required outcome.

Members also felt that there was insufficient information regarding access for maintenance and installation and how this would be achieved without an access track.  It was requested that a condition be added to ensure that this was clarified.

A motion to approve the application in accordance with Officer recommendation and with an extra condition requesting more information regarding the installation of the satellite dish, was moved and seconded and a vote was taken and carried.


To APPROVE the application subject to the submission of a suitable unilateral undertaking to secure the ongoing retention and management of Heild Wood, and subject to the following conditions:

1.    3 years

2.    Adopt amended plans

  1. Existing pole mast to be removed within 4 weeks of the mast hereby approved being first brought into use.


  1. The whole of the installation, including mast, antenna, dishes and any support poles, cable gantry and fencing shall be pre-coloured prior to erection/installation in a dark green colour (RAL6009) with a matt finish.


  1. Remove when no longer required for telecommunications purposes


  1. New access track to be surfaced with natural crushed gritstone only.


  1. New access track to have a central grass strip. Details to be submitted and agreed.


8.    Full details of all walling around the mast compound (including any retaining walls) to be submitted and agreed.


  1. All walling shown on the approved plans to be constructed in accordance with the approved plans before the development is completed or first brought into use, whichever is sooner.


  1. Fence around compound to be pre-coloured dark green.


  1. Landscaping scheme for screen shrub planting to be submitted and agreed.


  1. Additional information to be submitted by the Applicant regarding the installation of the satellite dish for prior approval by the Authority.







Supporting documents: