Agenda item

Recruitment to post of Chief Executive (SF)


The Chief Executive introduced the report which requested agreement of the proposed recruitment process, the appointment of a Member recruitment panel and agreement of the proposed interim arrangements between the current Chief Executive leaving and a new Chief Executive starting.  She proposed an amendment to recommendation 5.2 so that the authority delegated to the current Head of Paid Service would be in consultation with the Chair of the Authority.  This was agreed.


The Chief Executive reported that a response had been received from Natural England confirming that they would be part of the recruitment process and be involved in the short listing and the assessment panel.  The Chief Executive of the Lake District National Park Authority had also confirmed that he would be available to take part in the recruitment process.


The appointments to the Member Recruitment Panel were discussed and the following expressions of interest noted:


Secretary of State Members:

Local Authority Members:



Cllr A McCloy, Chair of Authority

Cllr J Wharmby

Mr J Berresford

Cllr D Murphy

Ms Y Witter

Cllr D Chapman

Cllr G Priestley

Cllr G Heath

Miss L Slack

Cllr W Armitage


Cllr A Gregory


Cllr D Taylor


Cllr C McLaren


The expressions of interest were considered with regard to the required split between Secretary of State Members and Local Authority Members and gender balance.  It was emphasised that commitment to the dates for Panel meetings and assessment days was required by those appointed.  It was noted that knowledge of the Authority, experience and length of service was considered by Members to be more important than to ensure a gender balance on the Panel.  It was also agreed to increase the number of Members on the Panel from the suggested 6 to 8 with 2 reserve Members.


The membership of the Panel was agreed as follows:


Secretary of State Members:

Local Authority Members:



Cllr A McCloy, Chair of Authority

1 Derbyshire County Council Member

Mr J Berresford

Cllr D Chapman

Cllr G Priestley

Cllr A Gregory

Ms Y Witter

Cllr G Heath

Reserve: Miss L Slack

Reserve: 1 Derbyshire County Council Member


The first meeting of the Member Recruitment Panel will take place on either 13th or 14th January.  The Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Members will be agreed between the 3 DCC Members who expressed interests and notified to the Chair of the Authority before 13th January.


With regard to the interim arrangements for the Chief Executive it was noted that there would be a financial uplift for the Head of Law whilst acting as interim Chief Executive.


The Chair will keep all Members informed of the recruitment process as it progresses.


The proposed job description for the new Chief Executive was discussed and areas for amendment noted.  The Chair asked those Members who had suggestions for amendments to supply their proposed wording to him by the end of the following week.


The Head of Law requested an amendment to recommendation 4 of the report to state attendances at meetings of the Panel were an approved duty for Members and where they were in person meetings travel and subsistence could be claimed.


The recommendations as set out in the report and as amended, with the Members of the Recruitment Panel as set out above, were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.    That the Authority proceeds, having noted the resignation of the current postholder, to appoint to the full-time post of Chief Executive (on an updated job description and person specification); Head of Paid Service and National Park Officer, at the existing salary grade (£88,985 - £94,456).  


2.    That the updated job description and person specification at Appendix 1 of the report be approved subject to any minor changes being delegated to Head of People Management (PM) in consultation with the Chair of the Authority 


3.    That the recruitment process as set out in the report and already started under delegated powers be agreed. 


4.    That a Members’ recruitment panel of 8 Members be appointed with 2 reserve Members (5 Secretary of State and 5 Constituent Authorities Members) and chaired by the Chair of the Authority – with the terms of reference to undertake the roles of the panel as set out in the report and to recommend to the Authority a Chief Executive appointment, noting that the appointment is subject to approval by the Authority meeting.


4.1  The following Members are appointed to the Panel


Secretary of State Members:

Local Authority Members:



Cllr A McCloy, Chair of Authority

1 Derbyshire County Council Member

Mr J Berresford

Cllr D Chapman

Cllr G Priestley

Cllr A Gregory

Ms Y Witter

Cllr G Heath

Reserve: Miss L Slack

Reserve: 1 Derbyshire County Council Member


4.2  To confirm that attendance at meetings of the CEO Member Recruitment Panel is an approved duty for the purpose of claiming travel and subsistence allowances.


5.    That the appointments for the statutory roles of Head of Paid Service and National Park Officer and the role of Interim Chief Executive (based on the current job description) and Deputy Chief Executive be as follows: -


5.1  The current Deputy Chief Executive, Andrea McCaskie, Head of Law becomes the Interim Chief Executive, Head of Paid Service and National Park Officer for the period beginning with the last working day of service of the current Chief Executive Sarah Fowler until the starting working day of the new Chief Executive. 


5.2  That an interim Deputy Chief Executive be appointed for the same period, and for that purpose authority is delegated to the current Head of Paid Service, in consultation with the Chair of the Authority. At the expiry of this period the interim post holder, Andrea McCaskie, under 5.1 above shall revert to the role of Deputy Chief Executive for a period of 6 months to support the familiarisation and induction of the new Chief Executive.




Supporting documents: