Agenda item
Internal Audit Report Block 1 2021/22 (JW)
The report was introduced by Mr Ian Morton from Veritau (Internal Auditor), who reported that two of the three areas that were audited had been given a substantial assurance with no action points, whilst one area had received a reasonable assurance and that the agreed action points had already been responded to.
Officers were thanked for their work and assistance during the Audit process as the work had to be all done remotely again In particular the Auditor was reliant on the Finance Staff providing hard copies of some of the information needed to complete the audits.
Mr Morton informed Members that the Visitor Centres were due to be audited in the second block and that will probably be carried out, in the main, remotely.
The Chair congratulated Officers on a positive set of audits..
A motion to support the recommendations as set out in the report was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.
1. That the Internal Audit reports for the three areas covered under Block 1 for 2021/22 IT Access Controls & User Awareness, Main Accounting and Risk Management (in Appendices 1 to 3 of the report) be received and the agreed actions considered.
Supporting documents:
- Internal Audit Block One Feb 2022, item 12/22 PDF 333 KB
- App 1 PDNPA IT Access Controls and User Awareness Final Audit Report, item 12/22 PDF 189 KB
- App 2 PDNPA Main Accounting final report, item 12/22 PDF 191 KB
- App 3 PDNPA Risk Management - Final Report.doc, item 12/22 PDF 229 KB