Agenda item

Full Application - Demolition of agricultural buildings and restoration of fields, conversion of out building to holiday let. Change of use for keeping horses stable and menage riding/arena at Middle Farm, Wheston (NP/DDD/0720/0671 SPW)



Cllr D Chapman returned to the meeting.


The Planning Officer introduced the application which was in line with policy and would not have an adverse impact on the wider landscape.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:


·         Mr Christian Bateman – Applicant


A motion to approve the application in line with the Officer recommendation and the listed conditions as listed in the report was moved and seconded.


Members welcomed the restoration of the field system but asked for further discussion between the applicant and Officers regarding the buildings located outsider the field system.


A motion to approve the application in line with the Officer recommendation and the conditions as listed in the report  was voted on and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1.         Standard time limit


2.         Carry out in accordance with specified amended approved plans.


3.         Holiday let conversion of the existing building, no rebuilding.


4.         Holiday let to have standard short let holiday let restriction and be ancillary and within the same planning unit as ‘Middle Farm House’


5.         Remove permitted development rights from the holiday let


6.         Agree details, recess and finish of timber windows and doors (for holiday let)


7.         New stonework shall be natural limestone laid to match the existing with holiday let roof clad with natural blue slate.


8.         Cast metal RWGs painted black and installed on rise and fall brackets directly to the stonework without the use of fascia (for holiday let).


9.         Agree details of Conservation type rooflight fitted flush with the roofslope. (for holiday let).


10.       Remove permitted development rights for means of enclosure and no jumps (except within the riding arena).


11.       No external lighting/flood lighting on/for the riding arena.


12.       Submit and agree scheme of lighting for the site including stables.


13.       Limit the change of use for the keeping of horses to the area outlined in red on the approved plan ‘117/E’.


14.       Submit details of surfacing material for riding arena.


15.       Submit details landscaping scheme for the riding arena.


16.       Omit fences to the perimeter of the riding arena and replace with limestone drystone wall or a post and rail fence with mixed hedge outside.


17.       The horse riding arena to be ancillary to and remain within the same planning unit as Middle Farm, for private use of the occupants only.


18.       Limit stable for keeping of up to 3 horses only.


19.       Submit details of spoil and waste removal from the demolition of the buildings and removal of the silage yard shall be permanently removed from the site and land in ownership


20.       Notwithstanding what is shown on the approved plans, no approval is hereby granted for any outdoor amenity space for the holiday otherwise than in accordance with an amended scheme to be agreed showing space relocated within the bounds of the farmstead.


21.       Footnote: re permission not providing any change of use of the existing agricultural buildings, or associated access and yard areas.

Supporting documents: