Agenda item

Peak District National Park Authority Development Management Policy DMH1 Practice Note (SW)


The report was introduced by the Policy & Communities Team Manager who confirmed that the Practice Note had been drawn up in consultation with the Local Plans Steering Group and interested Members. Due to the need to produce the Practice Note as soon as possible there had only been limited consultation but wider consultation could take place as part of the introduction of a Supplementary Planning Document (‘SPD’).


The Local Development Plan discussions would include this item as it was recognised as a very important issue. Some discussion had taken place at the last meeting of that Group and the minutes of that meeting were to be  presented to a future Authority Meeting.


The consultation on the Issues and Options for the Local Plan was expected to take place at the end of 2022.


Members were aware of the pressure to do more for affordable housing and stated that there was some ambiguity in the Practice Note and that there were still areas that were open to interpretation.


Members raised concerns regarding the use of DMH7 regarding the restrictions on extending affordable homes and felt that the Practice Note did not address these concerns. The restriction on the size of houses relating to the number of people who would occupy them was also raised as a concern. Members thought this may discourage applications for affordable houses.


Members did recognise that the Practice Note needed to be read in conjunction with other documents and that the introduction of the note was to provide assistance in the interpretation of existing planning policy (Core Strategy and Development Management Polices Document) which could not be changed outside of the ongoing statutory process of review.



A vote to continue the meeting past three hours was carried.


A motion to approve the use of the DMP Policy in line with DMH1 Practice note with further consultation to take place with parishes was moved and seconded.


A suggestion of deferring the item was put forward but the Chair confirmed this was not a suitable action for this item. 


A motion to amend the recommendation so that it included instructions to notify all applicants of Policy DMH7 at the start of the planning process was put forward and accepted by the mover and seconder.


A motion to approve the use of the DMP Policy Note with suggested amendments was voted on and carried.


Cllr P Brady requested that it be noted that he had voted  against this item..




To approve the use of the DMP Policy DMH1 Practice Note.




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