Agenda item

Householder Application - New build detached single garage at White Edge, The Bent, Curbar (374779.765539/425125.775417 - NP/DDD/1221/1330 JK)


Mr R Helliwell returned to the meeting and resumed as Chair.  Cllr D Chapman also returned to the meeting.


The Planning Officer introduced the item and provided an update on two further letters of support which had been received after the publication of the report.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr Chris Simm – Applicant.


The motion to Approve the application in line with Officer recommendation and subject to the conditions as set out in the report was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To APROVE the Application subject to the following conditions:



Commence development within three years.



Carry out in accordance with specified approved plans



Maintain garage space throughout lifetime of dwelling for the parking of a vehicle.




Materials to match the main house.



Minor detailed design conditions;


·         Recess garage door 100mm.


·         Vertically ribbed or fluted garage door.


·         Dark painted or coated (e.g. a darker anthracite colour rather than the light grey specified on the submitted plans).



Cllr A Hart left the meeting at 12:35

Supporting documents: