Agenda item

Membership of the Appointment Process Panel (RC)


The report, which noted the membership of the Member Appointment Process Panel and confirmed that the Panel will look at expressions of interest for annual appointments at the Authority AGM in the context of the appointment principles, was introduced by the Democratic Services Manager.


Cllr Armitage had agreed to continue as reserve Member, so recommendation 2 as set out in the report, was no longer necessary.


A motion to approve the recommendations, omitting recommendation 2 as set out in the report, was moved and seconded and a vote was taken and carried.




1.    To confirm the Members appointed to the Member Appointment Process Panel at the annual Authority meeting in July 2021 as Cllr B Woods, Cllr K Richardson, Ms Y Witter and Cllr P Tapping, with Cllr W Armitage as reserve Local Authority Member and Cllr V Priestley as reserve Secretary of State Member.


2.    To confirm that the Panel will look at expressions of interest in the context of the appointment principles set out in paragraph 6 of the report.


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