Agenda item
Capital Expenditure on Corporate Assets (ES)
The report, which sought approval for capital expenditure on a number of the Authority’s property assets in 2022/23, was introduced by the Head of Asset Management who tabled a replacement Appendix 1 which provided a detailed breakdown of the £600,000 work identified in the 2017 condition surveys to achieve required, satisfactory standard however the total capital expenditure remained at £807,620
Members enquired whether the increasing cost of materials and potential issues with the availability of contractors, had been taken into account. Officers advised that the programme of works would be prioritised and worked through. Those areas where there was a risk of the Authority not complying with statutory obligations would be dealt with first. A programme of property disposals was also taking place. The Interim Chief Executive advised that enquiries were being made with the government as to whether the inalienability of the gift of the Warslow Moors estate could be addressed.
Members noted the expenditure on alterations to Brunts Barn and queried whether there would be a more cost effective option than continuing the Authority’s activities there. Officers advised that this is in the remit of the Engagement service and was actively being considered.
A motion to approve the recommendations was proposed.
It was noted that the section of the report relating to Field Head campsite had been written before the campsite was re-let recently.
The motion was seconded and a vote was taken and carried.
1. To allocate £807,620 from the Authority’s capital fund to meet the needs of its asset portfolio, as set out in Appendix 1 attached to the report.
2. To delegate authority to award contracts associated with the proposed capital expenditure to the Corporate Property Team Manager, in consultation with the Head of Finance and Head of Asset Management.
Supporting documents:
- Capital Expenditure on Corporate Assets Authority Report, item 24/22 PDF 316 KB
- Appendix 1 Breakdown of proposed expenditure, item 24/22 PDF 524 KB
- Appendix 2 - MEES Regulations, item 24/22 PDF 3 MB