Agenda item

Full Application - Repair and Alterations to Castleton Hall. Demolition of 1970'S Bungalow, Victorian Games Room and 1970'S Dining Room Extension to Rear of Property. Construction of New Double and Single Garage and New Sun Room. Separate Castleton Hall into Two Domestic Properties. Internal Alterations to Remove Alterations Carried Out to Convert the Building to a Youth Hostel and Works to Reinstate the Original Building Aesthetic and Better Serve the Building for Domestic Purposes at Castleton Hall, Castle Street, Castleton


A supplementary update report had been tabled which gave details of further representations received from the objector with accompanying documents.  The Director of Planning introduced all reports and advised the Committee that two decisions were required, one in respect of the planning application and another for listed building works.  He and the report emphasised that special regard and considerable weight had to be given to preserving the listed building and enhancing or conserving the conservation area. The optimum use is as a single dwelling.  Where there is harm to a listed building, a presumption of refusal arises as an aspect of statutory duty.


The following spoke on both this report and the listed building report under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr P Milner, Objector

·         Mr R Chauhdry, Objector

·         Ms S Marsh, Applicant


The recommendation for approval of the planning application, subject to conditions as detailed in the report, was moved and seconded.  In response to Members’ queries the Director stated that management of the front garden space could be controlled by a condition or in a Section 106 agreement as part of management of the site.  It was agreed that there would be harm to the dwelling from a two dwelling scheme albeit very much less than substantial.  Members then debated the issue of two dwellings versus a single dwelling.


The Chair summed up why Members felt the single dwelling scheme would not happen.  He stated that it was very unusual for somebody to take on something of this nature, which carried a whole series of substantial financial risks, and would make it not liable to happen.  There was an individual with a particular desire to do something (a single dwelling scheme) but there was not a general feeling that there was a whole host of people willing to undertake that type of exercise and take on the financial risk.  Members didn’t doubt the intention but achieving the single dwelling, particularly given its size, was very unlikely.  In the meantime, the building will deteriorate and cause harm to the Conservation Area with serious harm to matters of acknowledged importance.


If the building was separated into two dwellings then any harm would be extremely limited.  The harm would be limited with regard to the features and character of the listed building and the subdivision would be easily achieved.  Subdivision of the larger surrounding site had occurred soon after disposal by the YHA.  The rear garden has no particular characteristics of historic garden or parkland.  The historical reference to its use by English Heritage had been taken at a single point in time which it considered optimum.  There was no overall coherence to the site.


Members considered that the public benefits of the two dwelling scheme would be rapidly moving forward with a deteriorating building to a very high standard of conservation.  They accepted that this could also be achieved by a single dwelling scheme but felt the two dwellings would also introduce other benefits to Castleton (2 dwellings) and improve the sense community.   Members would like to move forward with a scheme that is implementable and achievable.


The recommendation for the planning application of approval subject to conditions was voted on and carried unanimously.




That the application be APPROVED subject to a section 106 legal agreement to secure the phasing of the works and to ensure sympathetic long term management of the two dwellings and to conditions covering the following (summary of conditions only):


1.    The development hereby approved relates to the change of use of Castleton Hall and the retained Annex building to a single dwelling and the section of Castleton Hall referred to as the Tithe Barn to a single dwelling. There shall be no separate use of the Tithe Barn for paying bed and breakfast use.

2.    The development approved to be carried out in strict accordance with a timetable/programme of works which shall be submitted to and approved by the Authority.

3.    Ecology: Submit and agree detailed mitigation and monitoring strategy. All subsequent works shall then be carried out in accordance with any required scheme of mitigation.

4.    The demolition works shall be carried out in accordance with agreed timetable/programme of works prior to the occupation of the dwelling hereby approved.

5.    Samples of the replacement natural stonework, natural gritstone window door surrounds, natural lintels and sills, render treatments, railings, stonework cleaning, cast iron rainwater goods shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Authority prior to carrying out the works requiring the samples. The scheme shall then be carried out in accordance with the agreed samples.

6.    Detailed conditions relating to doors and windows, including details of the existing openings to be blocked up. Prior to the installation of any door/window frames or external timberwork, a scheme for the external finish of the timberwork to be submitted to and approved by the Authority. Once approved, development to be carried out in accordance with approved details.

7.    Prior to the installation of the window and door frames plans/details of the window/door reveals shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Authority. The scheme shall then be carried out in accordance with the agreed details.

8.    Existing rooflights in the south elevation of the Annex shallbe removed and the roof made good with natural blue slate, to match the existing roof, in accordance with submitted plans. New rooflights shall be fitted flush with the roofslope.

9.    External face of the plinth walls of the detached greenhouse shall be clad with natural limestone.

10.  Detailed design conditions regarding external pipework, rainwater goods, external meter boxes.

11.  External walls of the new garage buildings hereby approved shall be clad with natural limestone, sample panel to be approved.

12.  Roof of the new garage buildings shall be clad with natural blue slate, sample to be approved

13.  Detailed design conditions regarding garage doors and openings. Retain garage for garaging and storage.

14.  Details of space within the site curtilage for the storage of plant and materials/site accommodation/loading and unloading of goods  vehicles/parking and manoeuvring of site operatives and visitors vehicles to be submitted agreed and provided.

15.  All new boundary walling shall be erected in accordance with submitted plans and shall be constructed in natural limestone and capped with half-round natural limestone coping stones to match the existing boundary walling. Reduce width of opening from the Hall garden to Tithe Barn Garden.

16.  Carry out submitted landscaping and surfacing scheme, subject to additional hedging to car parking area in garden of the Hall.


Supporting documents: