Agenda item

Full Application - Demolition of Existing Dormer Bungalow and Rebuilding 4 Bedroom 2 Storey House at Leahay, Main Street, Elton


In response to a Members’ query regarding condition 7 of the recommendation the Planning officer stated the Authority was able to include this type of condition until September 2015 when it was anticipated national building standards would be adopted by the Government because the Authority has a current policy requiring development to be built to a minimum Code Level.


The recommendation for approval subject to conditions was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    3 year implementation time limit.

2.    Adopt amended plans.

3.    Submit and agree final finished floor levels of dwelling in relation to surrounding land.

4.    Existing bungalow, outbuildings and garage to be demolished and removed from the site prior to the occupation of the dwelling hereby approved.

5.    Remove permitted development rights for extensions, alterations and outbuidlings, porches, walls, fences and solar panels.

6.    Submit and agree hard and soft landscaping scheme.

7.    Development to be built to a minimum Code Level for Sustainable Homes required of RSLs.

8.    Submit a copy of the summary score sheet and Post Construction Review Certificate verifying that the minimum code level will be achieved.

9.    Stonework to be in natural gritstone – sample panel to be agreed.

10.  Openings on north facing gable end to be reduced to a French window of no more than 1.7m wide with a double casement above to match the adjacent double casement window in terms of size. Details to be submitted and agreed in writing.

11.  Each light of casement window frames and long window on south facing elevation to be subdivided with a single horizontal glazing bar. Details to be submitted and agreed.

12.  Garage to remain available for the parking of private domestic vehicles in connection with Leahay.

13.  Parking and manoeuvring spaces to be provided and maintained.

14.  Minor Design Details.

Supporting documents: