Agenda item

Monitoring & Enforcement Quarterly Review - April 2015


The Director of Planning reported that the Monitoring & Enforcement Team Manager and himself had met with the Chief Executive on the previous day to discuss the Team’s work and ideas for improvement were being considered.


The Director suggested that if cases of high priority were no longer considered high priority a report would be taken to Committee explaining the reasons and the current position.  It was also noted that the Chief Executive had asked the Deputy Chair of the Authority, Cllr D Chapman, to act as an informal Member Champion for the Monitoring & Enforcement Team. 


The Monitoring & Enforcement Team Manager gave the following update on a current high priority case:


6. Fernhill Cottage, Hollow Meadows – a meeting was being held with the owners new solicitors next week to see if a mutually agreeable solution could be found.


In response to a Member query he also gave a more detailed update on Midfield, Kettleshulme and confirmed that the residential caravan had been removed some time ago.


He also displayed some ‘before and after’ photos of enforcement cases that had been resolved.




That the report be noted.

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