Agenda item

Government Response to the Landscapes Review: Consultation Response (AGM)


The report, which sought Member approval to submit a response to the consultation on the Government response to the Landscape review, was introduced by the Chair of the Authority.


Members raised the following queries and additions:


·         The Authority as the first National Park, should be taking the lead.

·         The importance and difficulty, of coordinating Local Nature Recovery Strategies.

·         Concerns that the report may already be out of date and may be low priority for the government due to other urgent current events.

·         The effect of global events on the report’s planned emphasis on food production and the balance to be struck with climate change mitigation measures and landscape management.

·         A need to emphasize that funding will be required to act on the recommendations of the report.

·         A need to emphasize the impact of visitor numbers and the effect of high levels of visitors on local communities.

·         The difficulties in making the health agenda a purpose of national parks when it would be better expressed as a duty or power.

·         That the Authority’s powers and resources with regards to the misuse of Rights of Way should be clarified.

·         That clarification would be needed of the functions of a state appointed Chair.

·         Further detail was needed on the plans to address underperforming Members

·         Clarification of the functions of the suggested new strategic body.

·         The effect that reducing the size of the Authority membership would have on local representation.


The Chair requested that the Members send any further comments to him by email.


A motion to approve the recommendations was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    To support the consultation response shown in Appendix 1 of the report.


2.    That any changes needed to the consultation document as a result of the Authority meeting are delegated to the Interim Chief Executive in consultation with Chair of the Authority.


Supporting documents: