Agenda item
S73 Application - Variation of Condition 23 on planning approval no NP/DDD/1220/1211 for the change of use of barns to create 2 holiday cottages with associated works to buildings; minor alterations to listed farmhouse to enable its use as a holiday cottage; associated works to access at Greenwood Farm, Sheffield Road, Hathersage (NP/DDD/0721/0775 JK)
Mr Helliwell left the meeting for this item due to a personal and prejudicial interest. Mr Smith took over the role of Chair.
The Planning Officer introduced the report which was to seek an amendment to Condition 23 on the permission which was granted in April 2021
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:-
· Ms Miller, on behalf of the applicant – Statement read out by a member of Democratic Services.
Members asked whether there could be a condition regarding securing the long term presence and maintenance of the adjacent block of tree planting. The Planning Officer agreed that this was acceptable.
The motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation, and subject to an additional condition regarding retention and management of the tree planting was voted on and carried.
1. To APPROVE the application and to amend condition 23 as follows;
Amended plans to revise details of the hard landscaping works shall be submitted for approval in writing by the National Park Authority and once approved those works shall be carried out in full accordance with the agreed details prior to occupation. The details shall include proposed hard surfacing materials; and boundary treatments which shall specifically provide for drystone boundary walling to define the domestic garden/private amenity space of barnhouse 1 and post and wire fencing to define the domestic garden/private amenity space of barnhouse2
2. And subject to the following restated conditions which are amended to take account of details already formally approved post issue of the original decision notice no NP/DDD/1220/1211;
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun within 3 years from the date of this permission.
2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the amended plans numbered: ‘Details of Hard Landscaping Condition 23’ ‘2717-SK-106F’, Proposed Access ‘406.03801.0005.14.H010.5’, Access Existing and Proposed ‘2717-SK-300B’, Proposed Elevations ‘2717-SK-110F’, Proposed Ground Floor Plan ‘2717-SK-107E’, Proposed First Floor Plan ‘2717-SK-108E’, Proposed Sections ‘2717-SK-109D’ and Log Store proposals MO/12/21/A1 subject to the following conditions and/or modifications;
i) The residential garden/private amenity space associated with each holiday dwelling shall be restricted to the areas outlined in red on the attached plan No PDNPA – NP/DDD/1220/1211
ii) Notwithstanding what is shown on the approved plan, the proposed timber slatted barrier to the rear of the Log Store shall be lowered in height to allow a space of no less than 60cm between the uppermost slats and the roof, to facilitate access by swallows.
iii) Notwithstanding what is shown on the approved plans, the number of vertical glazed panels in the new screen window frame to the stable door opening (Window 15) shall be reduced from four to three.
iv) The scheme agreed under application no NP/DIS/0621/0677 and shown on drawing No 2717-JL1 Rev B. shall be completed in accordance with the approved details before the holiday lets are brought into use.
3. This permission relates solely to the use of the new dwellings hereby approved within the converted barns for short-let holiday residential use ancillary to Greenwood Farmhouse. The properties shall not be occupied by any one person for a period exceeding 28 days in any calendar year. The existing farmhouse and the approved holiday accommodation shall be maintained as a single planning unit. The owner shall maintain a register of occupants for each calendar year which shall be made available for inspection by the National Park Authority on request.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order) no alterations to the external appearance of the dwellings shall be carried out and no extensions, porches, ancillary buildings, satellite antenna, hardstanding’s, gates, fences, walls or other means of boundary enclosure shall be erected on the site without the National Park Authority's prior written consent.
5. The conversions shall be carried out within the shell of the existing buildings, with no rebuilding other than that specifically shown on the approved plans.
6. Full design details and specifications (including furniture and finish) of all new or altered windows, rooflights and doors shall be submitted to the Authority for approval in writing prior to installation. Once approved the development shall be carried out in full accordance with the agreed details.
7. Full design details for all internal joinery including doors, architraves, stairs etc. and including details of a balustrade to be added to the staircase in the original farmhouse, shall be submitted to the Authority for prior approval in writing. Once approved the development shall be carried out in complete accordance with the agreed details.
8. All new extractor vents, internal vents, boilers and associated facilities shall be installed in full accordance with the agreed details under application No NP/DIS/1121/1288 and shown on plan no 21028-TACP-X-GF-D-A-0505 Rev A.
9. All new floors shall be constructed in full accordance with the details approved under application no NP/DIS/0621/0677 and shown on plan Nos 2717-SK_107C and GW/02/21/A15 Rev B subject to the provision that should there be any surviving stone flagged floors situated underneath the existing concrete floors the approval of the new floor details is subject to these being retained following being lifted carefully, cleaned and reinstated in accordance with a scheme to be agreed with the National Park Authority.
10. The existing satellite dish and television aerials shall be removed or relocated in accordance with a detailed scheme that shall first have been submitted for approval in writing by the Authority. Once approved the development shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance with the agreed details.
11. The proposed cladding/treatment of the internal faces of the barn walls shall be carried out in full accordance with the details approved under application No NP/DIS/0621/0677 and shown on revised plans numbered 2717-SK-1017 – Proposed Ground Floor Plan, 2717-SK-1017 – Proposed First Floor Plan and the sections shown on further amended pan GW/02/21/A15 Rev B and the justification statement.
12. All new door and window frames in the barns shall be recessed from the external face of the wall by 150mm with the exception of the arched stable door screen frame in ‘Barnhouse 1’ and the glazed doors to the cart openings in ‘Barnhouse 2’, which shall be recessed to the back of the masonry openings. Retained external timber shutter doors shall sit flush with the external face of the wall.
13. The new window opening shall be provided with a full surround in natural gritstone to match the adjacent opening; existing concrete lintels and sills shall be replaced with natural gritstone to match the original barn openings.
14. The rainwater goods shall be black. The gutters shall be fixed directly to the stonework with brackets and without the use of fascia boards. There shall be no projecting or exposed rafters.
15. All pipework, other than rainwater goods, shall be completely internal within the building with no vent terminations whatsoever through the roof slopes.
16. No external lighting shall be installed other than in complete accordance with the scheme approved by the National Park Authority under application No NP/DIS/0621/0677 and shown on drawing No GWF-TACP-X-A-00506 Rev A subject to the PIR Sensor and timer for the car park lighting bollards, enabling a maximum length of time of 5minutes for the lights to remain on for after PIR triggering and shall not be switched on permanently at any time.
17. All new service lines associated with the approved development, and on land with the applicant's ownership and control, shall be placed underground and the ground restored to its original condition thereafter in accordance with the details approved under application No NP/DIS/0621/0677 and shown on the amended BT ducting plan dated 3 February 2022 and uploaded to the PDNPA website dated 8th February 2022 and the amended plans received on 9th November 2021 showing a) The proposed route of below ground water supply line and b) the proposed electricity supply line.
18. The Air Source Heat Pumps shall be installed in full accordance with the agreed details under application no NP/DIS/1121/1288 and shown on drawing no 21028-TACP-X-GF-D-A-0504 Rev A prior to occupation of any of the dwellings.
19. The Sewage Package Treatment Plant shall be installed in full accordance with the agreed details under application No NP/DIS/1121/1266 and shown on plan No 21028 GWF – TACP - X - GF - X – A - 00503 Rev A prior to occupation of any of the dwellings.
20. Prior to the occupation of any of the holiday lets the access improvements shall first have been completed entirely in accordance with plan Nos. 2717-SB-300B dated 15/03/21 and MO/12/20/A1.
21. Prior to the occupation of any of the holiday lets the works to achieve the forward visibility splay improvements on the highway land north of Sheffield Road shall have been completed in full accordance with drawing No 406.03801.0005.14.H010.5.
22. The holiday lets shall not be occupied until the parking and manoeuvring space shown on the approved plans has been fully constructed and available for use, thereafter the parking and manoeuvring areas shall be maintain free from any obstruction to their designated use throughout the lifetime of the approved development.
23. Amended plans to revise details of the hard landscaping works shall be submitted for approval in writing by the National Park Authority and once approved those works shall be carried out in full accordance with the agreed details prior to occupation. The details shall include proposed hard surfacing materials; and boundary treatments which shall specifically provide for drystone boundary walling to define the domestic garden/private amenity space of barnhouse 1 and post and wire fencing to define the domestic garden/private amenity space of barnhouse2
24. The development shall not be occupied until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation approved under application No NP/DIS/0621/0610 and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured.
25. The development shall be carried out in full accordance with the bat mitigation works approved under application No NP/DIS/0621/0610 prior to occupation.
26. The scheme approved for meadow enhancement for the landscaped areas approved under application No NP/DIS/0721/0813 - comprising a scheme of seed collection and spreading set out in the supporting statement and shown on plan No 2717 SK106 Rev E (insofar as it relates to condition 26 only), shall be carried out before the dwellings are occupied or within the first available planting/seeding season following the substantial completion of the development.
27. The development shall be carried out entirely in accordance with the submitted combined Tree Condition Report, Arboricultural Assessment, Arboricultural method statement and Tree protection plans for the farmstead area and the Arboricultural Impact Assessment for the road access area.
28. Prior to completion or first occupation of the development hereby approved, whichever is the sooner; or in accordance with such other timescale as may be agreed in writing with the Authority, the proposed Oak tree shall be planted in the location shown on drawing No 2717-SK-300B in accordance with section 6.4 of the submitted the aboricultural method statement. Should the tree die, become severely damaged or diseased within five years of the completion of the building works or five years of the carrying out of the landscaping scheme (whichever is later), it shall be replaced in the next planting season by a specimen of similar size and species.
29. The retained tree located beside the farmhouse at the entrance into the courtyard shall not be cut down, uprooted, destroyed, pruned, cut or damaged in any manner during the development phase or within 5 years from the date of occupation of the buildings for their permitted use, other than in accordance with the approved plans and particulars or as may be permitted by prior approval in writing from the Authority.
30. The siting and layout of the proposed location for the construction compound to house all equipment, welfare cabins and the parking and manoeuvring arrangements for all construction staff and material deliveries shall be in complete accordance with the plan no 2717-SK-101A approved under application No NP/DIS/0621/0610 and plan no 21028 GWF-TACP-X-GF-X-A-0010 showing the Temporary Stone Wall Access Methodology for accessing Barnhouse 2.
31. That the tree planting adjacent to Barn House 2 be retained and managed throughout the lifetime of the approved development in accordance with a detailed scheme be agreed with the Authority.
Supporting documents:
- 0721-0775_Greenwood Farm s73 JK Checked final version, item 38/22 PDF 371 KB
- Item 9 - Greenwood Farm, Sheffield Road, Hathersage, item 38/22 PDF 662 KB