Agenda item
Full Application - Change of use of land to additional domestic curtilage and extension to dwelling, for wheelchair accessible bedroom/wetroom and secure vehicle storage at Tideslow Farm, Tideswell (NP/DDD/1121/1260, AM)
Cllr Chapman left the meeting for this item due to a personal interest.
Members had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report and informed Members of a correction to the report at paragraph 49, which should read “ the proposed development would be of appropriate design” and not “inappropriate design”. The Officer also informed Members of a corrected site plan with the report which had been made available to Members.
A vote to continue the meeting past three hours was carried.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:-
· Ms Salt – on behalf of the applicant
· Mr A Flannagan - Agent
Members were concerned on the scale, massing and design of the application which seemed inappropriate and could have an impact on the adjoining wooded copse. Members also questioned the need for a double garage and also whether it was necessary to be a 2 storey development. Members accepted that there could be a solution but the scheme as presented was not appropriate.
A motion to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation was moved and seconded, and a vote was taken and carried.
To REFUSE the application for the following reason
1 The proposed scheme by virtue of the scale, form, massing and design of the proposed extension would significantly harm the character and appearance of the original building and its setting. The extension, driveway and parking area would also extend into an adjoining wooded copse, which is an important landscape feature. As such, the proposed development is contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP3, L1, L2 and L3, Development Management policies DMC3, DMC5, DMC10, DMC13 and DMH7, the Authority’s Supplementary Planning Documents and the National Planning Policy Framework.
Supporting documents:
- 1121-1260_Tideslow Farm Barn, item 40/22 PDF 356 KB
- Item 11 - updated (Portrait), item 40/22 PDF 389 KB