Agenda item

Full Application - Conversion of the building to create new residential dwelling, external alterations, works of hard and soft landscaping, and other works incidental to the application, former Newfoundland Nursery, Sir William Hill Road, Grindleford (NP/DDD/0121/0025, BJT)


Mr Helliwell returned to the meeting and resumed as Chair.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and corrected the report which should have the Applicant as Mr Tim Maskrey and not Mr Tom Maskrey.


The Planning Officer reminded Members that this application had been considered at Planning Committee in December 2021 and was deferred by Members for additional information.  Since then, a revised structural survey and drawings had been submitted which addressed some of the concerns that have been previously raised so Officers were now more comfortable with the proposed scheme.


The following spoke under the public participation at meeting scheme:-


·         Ms C McIntyre, Agent


Members agreed that this was a good solution to preserve the site, but were concerned on the possible impact on the Natural Zone and the Public Right of Way.


Members again considered the ability to control future development activity on the adjacent fields and maintaining the character of the gritstone field enclosures within this landscape and within the applicant’s ownership.  A further landscape management condition were proposed in the interests of maintaining the open character and appearance of the landscape and the setting of the natural zone areas close by.


A motion to approve the application in accordance with Officer recommendation was voted on and carried.





To APPROVE the application subject to conditions covering the following:
































Standard 3 year time limit


Carry out in accordance with amended plans and specifications


Detailed design conditions relating to materials, windows, doors and rainwater goods


Development to be carried out within existing structure, with no rebuilding other than where specifically in accordance with approved plans and monitoring and agreeing a programme of works with the Authority.


Withdraw permitted development rights for alterations, extensions, outbuildings and means of boundary enclosure, other than those shown on approved plans.


Submit and agree details of external lighting.


Carry out landscaping in accordance with approved plans.


Archaeology conditions.


Underground all service lines on land in applicant’s ownership and control.


Highway conditions.


Submit and agree details of sewage package scheme.


Final agreement of a condition in relation to future landscape management to be delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee.



Supporting documents: