Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of field barn to dwelling at Twin Dales Barn, field to west of Over Haddon, (NP/DDD/0122/0074), ALN
Members had visited the site the previous day.
The Head of Planning introduced the report and reminded Members that the previous application had been refused on policy grounds at a previous Planning Committee in 2021, although Members at that time had been minded to approve the previous application it had been brought back to this Committee with minor amendments to the scheme, which included amendments to the boundary walls and the creation of a paved yard.
The Head of Planning informed Members that Officers felt that the proposal should still be refused due to the domestication of the barn, which would harm the landscape character of the area and would also be against policy principle. The previous committee decision had highlighted the relationship of landscape policy to the adopted Landscape Strategy and the guidance set out for open White Peak landscapes. The site visits the previous day had also demonstrated a nearby example where a similar conversion had led to subsequent domestic and boundary changes which impacted adversely on traditional landscape character. This led Members to discuss the merits of landscape management plans in such circumstances.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:-
Ms S Mosley, Supporter
Mr N Mycock, Applicant
Members considered that the proposal would conserve and enhance the landscape, and that suitable conditions could be applied to control the domestication. It was a well-built barn and a heritage asset that should be maintained, and that there was no extra impact on the landscape, although future management controls and the need for and merits of proportionate controls were discussed. It was noted that the application had been supported by the village and the Parish Council.
A motion to approve the application contrary to the Officer recommendation with final agreement of conditions delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of planning was voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED with conditions delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee, contrary to the Office recommendation.
Supporting documents:
- 0122-0074_Twin Dales Barn, item 36/22 PDF 599 KB
- Item 7 - Twin Dales Barn, Over Haddon, item 36/22 PDF 354 KB