Agenda item

Full Application - S.73 Planning Application for variation of Condition 2 on NP/DDD/0419/0399 at Orchard Farm, Monsdale Lane, Parwich (NP/DDD/1021/1143, SC)


Mr Helliwell returned to the meeting and resumed as Chair.


The Planning Officer introduced the report which was to vary Condition 2 of a permission approved in 2019.


Members considered whether the use of solar panels would be sensitive to the Conservation Area and asked whether the Planning Officer  could simplify the arrangement of the panels by condition which the Officer agreed would be possible.


A motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation with an additional condition to secure the appearance and arrangement of the panels to a simpler form was moved and seconded, and a vote was taken and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to repeating across all other outstanding conditions from the original decision, and including additional conditions to secure the appearance of the solar panels, including amendment to their arrangement to simplify the appearance.




Supporting documents: