Agenda item

Full Application - Installation of solar panels with 4 no 44 panel arrays at land behind Tagg Lane Grange, Tagg Lane, Monyash (NP/DDD/0122/0035, SC)


Members had visited the site the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and informed Members that alternative sites had been looked at previously, and although the scheme had been reduced from the previous application, it was felt that it should still be refused on the grounds that the proposal would have a visual impact on the landscape character of the area.


Cllr Richardson left the meeting at 10:57 and returned at 11:08.


The following spoke under the public participation at meeting scheme:-


·         Mr L Boam – Applicant


Members noted that the Authority’s Landscape Officer had raised no landscaping objections to the application.


The Members considered that the visual impact was negligible but asked for a condition regarding the panels being coated in a non-reflective coating to reduce the prominence.


The Planning Officer suggested additional appropriate conditions including the standard time limit, the development to be carried out in accordance with submitted plans and that a landscaping scheme be agreed and that the panels be removed when no longer used.


A motion to approve the application with conditions, contrary to the Officer recommendation was moved, seconded, and a vote was taken and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Standard 3 year time limit.

2.    Carry out in accordance with submitted plans.

3.    Landscaping scheme to be agreed.

4.    The finish of the panels to be agreed.

5.    Panels to be removed when no longer used.





Supporting documents: