Agenda item

Chair's Briefing


The Chair updated the Members regarding recent Ministerial visits to attend an Uplands Management Workshop which a number of the Authority Members also attended.  The focus of the workshop was wildfires, vulnerable areas and mitigation and was Chaired by Rt Hon Lord Benyon, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Victoria Prentis MP the Minister of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.  Both visiting Ministers were complementary regarding the ongoing work across the Uplands of the Peak District National Park Authority and Partners. The visit of Lord Benyon was also used to showcase the work of the Moors for the Future Partnership which received a positive response from the Minister.  On the following day Lord Benyon was taken to meet a farmer in the Peak District National Park which was a positive encounter with a good discussion on subsidies and grants for National Parks and AONB.


The Chair confirmed that the next Authority Meeting would receive an Outside Body Report and a Members Forum update on National Parks England which Cllr McCloy currently chaired.




To note the report.