Agenda item

Householder Application - Proposed extension of dwelling at Swallow End, Rowsley (NP/DDD/0122/0068 MN)



The Head of Planning introduced the report for a proposed extension to the dwelling.


Members noted that there had been an objection to the proposal from Stanton in the Peak Parish Council regarding the massing, but Officers felt that now that the rear extension had been removed from the application, it was now a modest extension, so considered that the application would be subservient to the existing building.


A motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation, was moved, seconded put to the vote and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions - 


1.         Standard time limit


2.         Carry out in accordance with amended plans.


3.         Agree details, recess and finish of timber windows and doors


4.         New stonework to be natural gritstone to match the existing with roof clad with natural blue slate.


5.         Cast metal RWGs painted black and installed on rise and fall brackets directly to the stonework without the use of fascia.


6.         The permission explicitly excludes / does not permit the proposed siting of the LPG tank to the north-east section of curtilage included within the amended plans but that is not covered by the application description of development.

Supporting documents: