Agenda item
Full Application - Works to enable use of existing campsite barn as visitor reception with ancillary food and drink sales, (camping barn retained), and installation of a wood burner flue, recessed glazing to barn doors, glazed door to north elevation, ecological mitigation and alterations to site drainage. Upper Booth Farm campsite (NP/HPK/1121/1197, KW)
Mr Helliwell left the Chari and the meeting room for this item due to a personal and prejudicial interest. Mr Smith took the Chair.
The Head of Planning introduced the report.
Members noted that some of the concerns expressed by the Parish Council had now been addressed, but asked for a condition making the shop ancillary to the campsite, and not to be promoted to the wider audience (although it was accepted that this wouldn’t stop other people using it) and for a condition to control external lighting.
A condition was also sought to agree details of the flue to reduce the impact on the roof lines and the overall character and appearance of the main barn and a condition that there was to be no new utilities to be introduced unless otherwise prior approved.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation subject to additional conditions regarding lighting, flue details, no new utilities to be installed and making the shop ancillary to the campsite, was moved, seconded , put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions;
1. |
Commence development within 3 years.
2. |
Carry out in accordance with specified amended plans.
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Use of shop to be ancillary to camp site and restricted to the area shown on the approved plans.
4. |
No new lighting unless otherwise prior approved.
7. |
The works shall not be carried out other than in complete accordance with the avoidance, mitigation, and compensation work for bats and birds contained in section 6 of the submitted Upper Booth Barn Protected Species Survey by Skyline Ecology, dated October 2021.
No commencement of wood burning stoves until details of flue vents approved in writing by the National Park Authority.
No new utilities to be installed unless otherwise prior approved. |
Supporting documents:
1121-1197_Upper Booth campsiite, item 61/22
PDF 242 KB
Item 7 - Upper Booth Campsite, item 61/22
PDF 386 KB