Agenda item
Election of Authority Chair and Deputy Chair (RC)
Mr J Berresford, the Deputy Chair of the Authority presided for the appointment of the Chair for 2022/23.
The Democratic Services Manager clarified that the Member Appointment Process Panel had considered expressions of interests from Members against the Appointment Principles and where any interests did not meet the principles they had highlighted this in their report but it was for the Authority meeting to make the decision as to whether or not interests that did not meet the principles were acceptable.
Two Members, Cllr Andrew McCloy and Cllr David Chapman had expressed an interest in the role of Chair of the Authority and provided written statements, circulated to all Members in advance of the meeting. A motion to appoint one of the candidates was moved and seconded and, in accordance with Standing Order 1.12(4), the voting was carried out in the form of a ballot.
Following the ballot Cllr Andrew McCloy was appointed Chair of the Authority and took the Chair.
One Member, Mr J Berresford had expressed an interest in the role of Deputy Chair of the Authority and provided a written statement, circulated to all Members in advance of the meeting. The nomination was moved and seconded and as there was only one candidate the voting was carried out by a show of hands.
1. To appoint Cllr A McCloy as Chair of the Authority for a term expiring at the Annual Meeting in July 2023.
2. To appoint Mr J Berresford as Deputy Chair of the Authority for a term expiring at the Annual Meeting in July 2023.
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