Agenda item
Report of Member Appointment Process Panel (RC)
- Meeting of AGM, National Park Authority, Friday 1st July 2022 10.00 am (Item 51/22)
- View the background to item 51/22
The meeting considered the report of the Member Appointments Process Panel and considered each of the appointments set out in the recommendations of the report. In most cases the appointments were moved, seconded and approved in accordance with the expressions of interest in the report, any changes to the report are identified below.
Appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee
Two Members, Cllr Patrick Brady and Mr Ken Smith had expressed an interest in both the roles of Chair and Vice Chair of Planning and had provide written statements, circulated to Members in advance of the meeting. A motion to appoint one of the candidates was moved and seconded and, in accordance with Standing Order 1.12(4), the voting was carried out in the form of a ballot.
Following the ballot Cllr Patrick Brady was appointed as Chair of Planning Committee and Mr Ken Smith was appointed as Vice Chair of Planning Committee.
Appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Programmes and Resources Committee
A motion to appoint Prof Janet Haddock-Fraser as Chair of Programmes and Resources Committee was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
Two Members, Cllr Christopher Furness and Cllr Charles Greaves had expressed an interest in the role of Vice Chair of Programmes & Resources Committee and had provide written statements, circulated to Members in advance of the meeting. A motion to appoint one of the candidates was moved and seconded and, in accordance with Standing Order 1.12(4), the voting was carried out in the form of a ballot.
Following the ballot Cllr Charles Greaves was appointed Vice Chair of Programmes & Resources Committee.
The Chair thanked all Members who have given time to be on the various Steering Groups, Panels and Advisory Groups.
Planning Committee & Programmes & Resources Committee
It was noted that the Authority had previously agreed that the Membership of both Standing Committees should be set at 15 and the Local Authority positions on Planning Committee allocated according to the formula used in previous years. As previously agreed the size of Programmes and Resources Committee had been increased to 16 Members so that the Chair of the Authority could be appointed to both Committees and it was agreed to continue this for a further 12 months.
Two Secretary of State vacancies were unfilled at the time of the Authority meeting and therefore the Secretary of State vacancies on both Committees were left vacant at this Authority Meeting. It was also agreed that the Cheshire East Member place on Planning Committee could be filled by another Local Authority Member for another 12-month period and that the Cheshire East Member would join the Programmes & Resources Committee.
The vacancies on Planning Committee were appointed as follows:
· Cllr Jean Wharmby was appointed to the vacant Cheshire East place.
· It was agreed to hold the Secretary of State Member vacancy for one of the new Secretary of State Members when appointed.
The vacancies on Programmes & Resources Committee were appointed as follows:
· Cllr David Taylor and Cllr Gill Heath were appointed as Local Authority Members.
· It was agreed to hold the Secretary of State Member vacancy for one of the new Secretary of State Members when appointed.
Local Joint Committee
Cllr Mike Chaplin and Cllr Charlotte Farrell were both appointed to the vacant Local Authority Member places. It was agreed to hold the Secretary of State Member vacancy.
Appeals Panel
Cllr Dermot Murphy (Local Authority Member) and Ms Yvonne Witter (Secretary of State Member) were appointed to the Appeals Panel.
Member Champions
Climate Change:
Cllr David Chapman withdrew his expression of interest and Professor Janet Haddock-Fraser expressed an interest in the role and was proposed, seconded and appointed Climate Change Member Champion.
Natural Environment, Biodiversity & Farming:
Ms Lydia Slack withdrew her expression of interest. A ballot was held to decide which of the three Members who had expressed an interest and had been proposed and seconded (Cllr Chapman, Cllr Farrell and Cllr Priestly) would fill the role and Cllr David Chapman was appointed.
Cultural Heritage & Landscapes:
Mr Ken Smith was appointed as the Member Champion for Cultural Heritage & Landscapes.
Ms Yvonne Witter was appointed Member Champion for Engagement.
Thriving & Sustainable Communities:
Ms Annabel Harling was appointed Member Champion for Thriving & Sustainable Communities.
Business Economy:
Two Members, Cllr Chris Furness and Cllr Andrew Gregory, had expressed an interest in the vacancy. A motion to appoint one of the candidates was moved, seconded, following a ballot Cllr Andrew Gregory was appointed to the role of Member Champion for Business Economy.
Member Learning & Development
The Chair stated the importance of the role during a time when Defra were examining membership of authorities. Cllr Becky Woods was appointed to the role of Member Champion for Member Learning & Development.
Budget Monitoring Meeting
Mr Hamid Zahid withdrew his name from the list of Members. Following a show of hands the Panel was appointed as Chair of Authority, Chair and Vice Chair of Programmes and Resources Committee with three other Members – Ms A Harling, Cllr V Priestley and Miss Y Witter.
Climate Change Member Steering Group
Cllr Andrew Gregory was appointed to fill the Local Authority vacancy following a show of hands.
Due Diligence Panel
No further expressions of interest were received, Mr James Berresford and Ms Annabel Harling were appointed as Member and Deputy respectively following a show of hands.
Governance Review Working Group
The membership of the Working Group as set out in the report was proposed, seconded and carried by a show of hands.
Local Plan Review Member Steering Group
Ms Witter requested that the timing of the meetings of the Steering Group be checked as they were currently held on days that were unsuitable due to her work commitments. Officers noted and would look at holding meetings on a Friday. The Group was recast to reflect the appointment to the roles of the Member Champion which was carried by a show of hands.
Member Appointments Process Panel
Two Local Authority Members and two Local Authority reserve Members together with two Secretary of State Members and one reserve Secretary of State Member, as set out in the report, were proposed, seconded and appointed.
National Park Management Plan and Corporate Strategy Review Member Task Group
No changes were made to the membership of the Task Group as it was a Task and Finish group expected to end by October 2022. The current membership set out in the report was proposed, seconded and carried by a show of hands.
Appointments to Outside Bodies - all agreed by a show of hands.
The change of name from Sheffield City Region to South Yorkshire Combined Authority was noted.
The following vacancies were filled:
East Midlands Council – Mr James Berresford was appointed as Member and Cllr Chris Furness was appointed as Deputy.
Derwent Valley Community Rail Partnership – Cllr Andrew Gregory was appointed to the role of Deputy.
Hope Valley & High Peak Community Rail Partnership – Cllr Virginia Priestly was appointed to the Member role and Cllr Charlotte Farrell appointed as Deputy.
Moors for the Future Partnership Group – Cllr David Chapman was appointed as Chair, Cllr V Priestley as Deputy Chair and Prof Janet Haddock-Fraser as reserve Member.
Peak District Partnership – Officers were asked to check if the partnership still existed as no information regarding meetings had been received for four years. Ms Annabelle Harling was appointed as Deputy.
Staffordshire Destination Management Partnership – Cllr Gill Heath was appointed as Deputy.
Land Managers Forum – Cllr Virginia Priestly was appointed Deputy, Miss Lydia Slack and Prof Janet Haddock-Fraser were appointed as Members.
Peak District Local Access Forum – Cllr Andrew McCloy was appointed as Member and Cllr Chris Furness as Deputy.
Peak District Local Nature Partnership – Cllr Pete Tapping was appointed as Deputy.
Stanage Forum Steering Group – Mr Ken Smith was appointed as Deputy.
The recommendations as set out in the report were then moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
1. To confirm the Authority’s previous decisions to set the size of the two Standing Committees to 15, with 8 Local Authority Members and 7 Secretary of State Members and allocate Local Authority places on Planning Committee as set out in Section B (i) of Appendix 1 with the allocation of the Cheshire East Council Place on Planning Committee to another Local Authority until the annual Authority meeting in July 2023 and to increase the size of the Programmes and Resources Committee to 16, with 8 Local Authority Members and 8 Secretary of State Members (to allow the Chair of the Authority to be a Member of both Standing Committees) until the Annual Meeting in July 2023
2. To appoint Cllr Patrick Brady as Chair and Mr Ken Smith as Vice Chair of Planning Committee and to appoint Prof Janet Haddock-Fraser as Chair and Cllr Charles Gregory as Vice Chair of Programmes & Resources Committee until the annual Authority meeting in July 2023.
3. To appoint the following Members to the Planning Committee and the Programmes and Resources Committee until the annual Authority meeting in July 2023:
Planning Committee |
Programmes and Resources |
Chair - Cllr P Brady |
Chair – Prof J Haddock-Fraser |
Vice Chair – Mr K Smith |
Vice Chair – Cllr C Greaves |
Cllr W Armitage |
Mr J Berresford |
Cllr M Chaplin |
Cllr C Farrell |
Cllr D Chapman |
Cllr C Furness |
Ms A Harling |
Cllr A Gregory |
Cllr A Hart |
Mr Z Hamid |
Cllr I Huddlestone |
Cllr G Heath |
Cllr A McCloy |
Cllr A McCloy |
Cllr D Murphy |
Cllr C McLaren |
Cllr K Potter |
Miss L Slack |
Cllr V Priestley |
Cllr P Tapping |
Cllr K Richardson |
Cllr D Taylor |
Cllr J Wharmby |
Ms Y Witter |
One Secretary of State Vacancy |
Cllr B Woods One Secretary of State Vacancy |
4. To appoint the following Members Champions until the Annual Authority meeting in July 2023:
Natural Environment, Biodiversity & Farming |
Cllr D Chapman |
Cultural Heritage & Landscapes |
Mr K Smith |
Engagement (includes sustainable tourism, recreation, health & wellbeing)
Ms Y Witter |
Thriving & Sustainable Communities |
Ms A Harling |
Climate Change |
Prof J Haddock-Fraser |
Business Economy |
Cllr A Gregory |
Member Learning & Development |
Cllr B Woods |
5. a) To appoint the following Members to Local Joint Committee until the Annual Authority meeting in July 2023:
Cllr W Armitage |
Mr K Smith |
CllrM Chaplin |
Cllr K Potter |
Cllr C Farrell |
Cllr V Priestly |
Cllr C Furness Cllr K Richardson |
One Secretary of State Vacancy |
b) To appoint the following Members to the Appeals Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2023;
Cllr D Chapman |
Cllr P Brady |
Prof J Haddock-Fraser |
Cllr A Gregory |
Cllr V Priestly |
Cllr A Hart |
Ms Y Witter |
Cllr D Murphy Cllr B Woods |
c) To appoint the following Members to Budget Monitoring Meeting until the Annual Meeting in July 2023
Chair of the Authority |
Cllr A McCloy |
Chair of Programmes & Resources |
Prof J Haddock-Fraser |
Vice Chair of Programmes & Resources |
Cllr C Greaves |
Three Members |
Ms A Harling Cllr V Priestly Ms Y Witter |
d) To appoint the following Members to the Climate Change Members Steering Group until the Annual Meeting in July 2023:
Prof J Haddock-Fraser |
Cllr D Chapman |
Mr K Smith |
Cllr C Farrell |
Cllr P Tapping |
Cllr A Gregory |
e) To appoint the following Members to the Due Diligence Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2023:
Member: Mr J Berresford |
Deputy: Ms A Harling |
f) To appoint the following Members to the Governance Review Working Group until the Annual Meeting in July2023:
Cllr W Armitage |
Mr J Berresford |
Cllr C Furness |
Cllr P Brady |
Cllr D Murphy |
Cllr A McCloy |
Cllr B Woods |
Mr K Smith |
g) To appoint the following Members to Local Plan Review Member Steering Group until the Annual Meeting in July 2023:
Chair of Planning Committee |
Cllr P Brady |
Vice Chair of Planning Committee |
Mr K Smith |
Chair of Authority |
Cllr A McCloy |
Member Representatives |
Cllr D Chapman Mr K Smith Ms Y Witter |
Ms A Harling |
Prof J Haddock-Fraser |
Cllr A Gregory |
h) To appoint the following Members to the Members Appointment Process Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2023:
Cllr K Richardson |
Cllr P Tapping |
Cllr B Woods |
Ms Y Witter |
Reserve: Cllr W Armitage |
Reserve: Cllr V Priestly |
Reserve: Cllr A Gregory |
i) To appoint the following Members to the National Park Management Plan and Corporate Strategy Review Member Task Group until the Annual Meeting in July 2023.
Cllr A Hart |
Prof J Haddock-Fraser |
Mr J Berresford |
Ms A Harling |
Cllr P Brady |
Cllr P Tapping |
6. To appoint to the 18 Outside Bodies set out in Appendix 1 to the minutes until the Annual Authority meeting in July 2023.
7. To confirm that all these appointments are approved duties for the payment of travel and subsistence allowances as set out in Schedule 2 of the Members’ Allowance Scheme.
Supporting documents:
- Report of the Member Appointment Process Panel, item 51/22 PDF 345 KB
- Appendix 1 for Report of the Member Appointment Process Panel, item 51/22 PDF 411 KB
- Statements for Chair and Vice Chair Positions, Member Champions and Outside Bodies 2022, item 51/22 PDF 163 KB
- 2.3 Outside Body Member Appointments July 2022, item 51/22 PDF 186 KB