Agenda item
Home Farm, Sheldon - Update on Current Enforcement Issues (AJC)
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings scheme:
· Joe Noble – member of the public and near neighbour of the site.
· Wendy Neilson – Sheldon Parish Meeting
Mr Max Kohanzad had registered to speak but was not present at the meeting.
Members considered the report which gave details of the recent investigation and highlighted the current issues on the site which were::
a) Building works immediately to the rear of the guest house
b) Works to the east of the buildings, including construction of a track
c) Work to the ‘Long Barn’.
The Chair thanked the speakers for drawing attention to the public perception of how enforcement was being performed and stated that the site would be considered within our other commitments.
That this case be appropriately prioritised by the Monitoring and Enforcement Team Manager in accordance with the Local Enforcement Plan, and taking account of site investigations, guidance on taking court action and any other relevant guidance.
Supporting documents: